HaeJung Maria Kim, Ph.D.

maria kim
Research interest
Social network analysis using social media data Circular fashion Digital fashion in Metaverse

A Multidisciplinary Scholar in Digital Retailing

Her thinking and collaboration at the intersection of industry, academia, and society define her as a multidisciplinary scholar exploring new cultural genres, applying new technology, and converging diverse knowledge to scholarly projects. She has advocated consumers' social empowerment and leveraged digital networks' power to influence global retail businesses. 

Dr. Kim is interested in social diffusions and the influencers' social roles in new technology adoption (e.g., ChatGPT, Digital Fashion, Metaverse) for (1) experiencing a sense of belongingness and digital self-efficiency in social media, (2) accelerating social diffusions by interaction, communication, and collaboration in social networks, and (3) entertaining digital artifacts and services on diverse digital platforms.

Dr. Kim is passionate about teaching students data analytics and visualization skills to strengthen their competitiveness in future careers. In 2015, she pioneered novel course offerings, 'CMHT 6500 Big Data Implementation in Social Network Analysis' and 'CMHT 6600 Network Analysis and Visualization (NAV)' for the Interdisciplinary Information Science (IIS) Ph.D. Program with the College of Information at UNT. 'MDSE 5850 Socisl Media Analytics: Data Visualization and Insights' will be offered for the accelerated graduate program of MDR. Mentoring future scholars is her lifelong passion. Greatly appreciate looking at her students working as full-time tenured/tenure track faculty at Indiana State, Texas Tech., Kansas State, South Florida, Texas Wesleyan, and JeonNam national Universities worldwide.

She has been engaged in over eight affiliated organizations and served over seven years as an associate editor of the Clothing and Textiles Research Journal and Fashion & Textiles. More than 19 awards and recognitions from ITAA, EIRASS, KSCT, and Emerald Literati Network acknowledged her scholarship and service efforts.

Selected Research Publications

Jung, J., Oh, K.W., & Kim, H. M. (2021). Country Differences in Determinants of Behavioral Intention towards Sustainable Apparel Products. Sustainability, 13 (2), 558 https://doi.org/10.3390/su13020558 * ISI impact factor 2.592, SSCI

Huang, R., Krier, L., Josiam, B. & Kim, H.J. (2021). Understanding Consumer–Pet Relationship during Travel: A Model of   Empathetic Self-Regulation in Canine Companionship, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism,   https://doi.org/10.1080/1528008X.2021.1955236 *SCOPUS

Yang, K., Kim, H.M., & Tanoff, L. (2020). Signaling trust: Cues from Instagram posts, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, * ISI impact factor 3.661, SSCI

Kim, H. M., Oh, K.W., & Jung, J. (2020). Socialization on Sustainable Networks: The Case of eBay Green's Facebook. Sustainability, 12 (8), 3476, Doi:10.3390/su12083476* ISI impact factor 2.592, SSCI

Chong, M, & Kim, H.M. (2020). Social roles and structural signatures of top influentials in the #PrayforParis Twitter network. Quality & Quantity. 54, 315–333, DOI 10.1007/s11135-019-00952-z, * ISI impact factor 1.072, SSCI

Yang, K., Kim, H.M, & Zimmerman, J. (2020). Emotional Branding on Fashion Brand Websites: Harnessing the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance (P-A-D) Model. Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management, DOI 10.1108/JFMM-03-2019-0055 *SSC