Jana Hawley, Ph.D. is the Dean of the College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism. Her prior appointments include Director of the John and Doris Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences at University of Arizona, Department Chair of Textiles and Apparel Management at University of Missouri, and Department Head at Kansas State University for Apparel Textiles and Interior Design. She has also been faculty of merchandising at Indiana University, University of North Texas, and University of Missouri.
Hawley is a Fulbright Scholar to India, a HERS Fellow, ITAA Fellow, SEC Administrators Leadership Fellow, a Kemper Fellow for Excellence in Teaching, and a Global Scholar to Thailand, Turkey, and India. She has led Culture and Industry tours of retailing and merchandising faculty to Guatemala and Uzbekistan. She is trained in the Art of Participatory Leadership and the Art of Hosting. She is past-president of the International Textile and Apparel Association. She serves on the Editorial Board for Fashion, Style and Popular Culture and is chair-elect for the Board on Human Sciences, a sub-group of the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. She has received more than $1.5M in external grants.
Dean Hawley has published or presented more than 110 scholarly works, and her work has been cited more than 1500 times. She is most moted for her scholarship in textile recycling and sustainability but more recently has worked with folk artisans around the world as they adapt their traditional arts for the global marketplace.
She earned her PhD from University of Missouri. For the past nine years, Dr. Hawley has volunteered as an artist assistant at the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This work has inspired her scholarship and drives her volunteerism and global causes.
Selected Research Publications
Reilly, A. and Hawley, J.M. (2019). Attention deficit fashion. Fashion, Style, and Popular culture 6(1), p. 83-96. Doi: 10.1386/fspc.6.1.83_1
Hawley, J. M. (2018, October). A Window of Opportunity for Traditional Craft Artisans: A New Genre of Luxury. In J. Hawley, N. Cassill, & K. McGowan (Eds), The Future of Luxury. ITAA Monograph #12. Avaiable at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329696191
Hawley, J.M. and Frater, J. (2018, October). A Hand Crafted Slow Revolution: Co-Designing a New Genre in the Luxury World. Fashion, Style, and Popular Culture. Vol 5(3), pp 299-231. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1386/fspc.5.3.299_1
Jones, K. B. and Hawley, J.M. (2016). Chic but scrupulous, down to the very last stitch: ‘Style Ethics’ in American Vogue. Fashion Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17569370.2016.1220137. Retrievable at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17569370.2016.1220137.
Ha-Brookshire, J., & Hawley, J.M. (2014). Trends of research published by Clothing and Textiles Research Journal (1993-2012) and outlook for future research. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 32(4), 251-265.
Ruppert-Stroescu, M. and Hawley, J.M. (2014). A typology for creativity in fashion design and development. Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process & the Fashion Industry. Bloomsbury. 6(1), 9-36.
Ha- Brookshire, J. and Hawley, J.M. (2013). Envisioning the clothing and textile-related discipline for the 21st century: Its scientific nature and domain from the global supply chain perspective. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 31(1), 17-31
Muhammad, A. J. and Hawley, J.M. (2012). The Organization Characteristics of Afro-Barbadian Women Micro-Entrepreneurs. Beijing: China Textile & Apparel Press.
Boorady, L. M. and Hawley, J.M. (2011). Using Animated Graphics as a Teaching Tool in Patternmaking: A Comparison of Methods. International Journal of Information Communication and Technology, 7(4), Issue 28. 11-23.
Pookalangara, S., Hawley, J.M. and Xiao, G. (2011). Explaining Consumer Channel-Switching Behavior using the Theory of Reasoned Action. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(4), 311-321.
Pookalangara, S., Hawley, J.M. and Xiao, G. (2011). Explaining Multi-channel Consumer’s Channel Migration Intention Using Theory of Reasoned Action. Special issue on “Individualism in Retailing” for International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 39(3),183-202.
Ko, S., Norum, P. S., and Hawley, J.M. (2010). Consumer Value Structures Reflected in Clothing Advertisements. Journal Of Fashion Marketing & Management, 14(3),451-468
Tong, X. and Hawley, J.M. (2009). Creating Brand Equity in the Chinese Clothing Market: The Effect of Selected Marketing Activities on Brand Equity Dimensions. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 13(4), 566-581.
Tong, X. and Hawley, J.M. (2009). The effects of selected marketing activities on brand equity in the Chinese market. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management.13(4), 566-581.
Boorady, L. M. and Hawley, J.M. (2008). The wonders of technology: Teaching becomes virtual. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 26(2), 131-142.
Hawley, J.M. (2006). Digging for diamonds: A conceptual framework for understanding reclaimed textile products. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 24(3), 262-275.
Hamilton, J.A. and Hawley, J.M. (1999). Sacred dress, public worlds: Amish and Mormon experience and commitment. In L. Boynton-Arthur and J. Eicher (Eds.) Religion, Dress and the Body, 31-51. Berg Publishing, Inc.: New York.
Hawley, J.M. (1995, December). Maintaining business while maintaining boundaries: An Amish woman’s entrepreneurial experience. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Change, 4(4), 315-328.