Recent Grant Projects (2018-2021)
Leung, X. & Kim, J. "Comparing Data-Driven with Contextual Advertising for Small Restaurants", Facebook, $65,726, 9/1/2020-12/31/2021
Trippeer, B., Gam, H., Jestratijevic, I., & Kim., J (2021). Sustainable Futures: Innovation, Education and Fashion Design Development, Venture Well, $30,000 (Decision pending)
Kim, J., Gam, H., Trippeer, B. & Xu, B. Rethinking Cotton Learning: Innovation Through Collaboration, $46,072, Cotton Inc., 1/1/2020-12/31/2020,
Wood, P., Hawley, J. M., & Bennett, A. (2020). Globalizing the Educational Experience: The College of Merchandising, Hospitality, and Tourism. U.S. Department of Education. Key Personnel: Williams, K. Pookulangara, S. Jestratijevic, I. Leung, X., Agustin, S., Shenberger, A., Large, C. Kim. J., Mhlanga, L., and Littrell, M. $180,371.
Kim, J., Kim, M., Yang, K., Xu, B., Bruder, K. & Hequet, E. (2019). Edu-Cotton: Collaborative Learning Environment, Cotton Incorporated, $38,615
Kim, J., & Xu, B. (2018). Cotton on the Move, Cotton Incorporated, $24,889
Kim J., Lee, S., Jestratijevic, I, & Hawley, J. (2020). The Effect of Game-Based Mobile Application on Clothing Disposal Behavior, Environmental Research and Education Foundation, $102,000 (Not funded)
Kim, J., Leung, X. & Pamiddimukala, S. (2020) Improving Senior Users’ Trust in AI Voice Assistants: A Self-Confidence Approach, Facebook, $71,169 (Not funded)
Yang, K. & Kim, J. Developing Digital Strategies for Local Farmers Markets: Assessing the Needs and Opportunities. USDA, Local Food Promotion Program, requested fund $90,427, April 2020 (Not funded)
Kim, J., Zorola, M. & Crutsinger, C. The Protégé Effect: Creating Cotton Knowledge through the Learn by Teaching Model, $50,791, Cotton Inc., July 2020. (Not funded)
Pookulangara, S., Kim, J. & Yang, K. (2019). Does Hyper-Individualized Ad Content Impact User Experience and Trust? Facebook, $49,899.80 (Not funded)
Selected Publications (5 years)
Min, J., Kim, J. & Yang, K. (2021). How generations differ in coping with a pandemic: The case of restaurant industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. SSCI Indexed
*Kim, J., Min, J., & Le, L (2021). Impacts of brand familiarity and responses on perceived brand credibility, similarity, and blog recommendation intention: a study of corporate blogs. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, DOI: 10.1108/JFMM-09-2020-0189. SSCI Indexed
Min, J., Yang, K., & Kim, J. (2021). The Role of Perceived Vulnerability in Restaurant Customers’ Co-creation Behavior and Repatronage Intention During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Vacation Marketing. SSCI Indexed
Kim, J., Min, J., Yang, K. & White, B. (2021). Hope, fear, and consumer behavioral change amid covid-19: application of protection motivation theory. International Journal of Consumer Studies. SSCI Indexed
Yang, K., Kim, J., Min, J., & Hernandez Calderon, A. (2021). Effects of retailers' service quality and legitimacy on behavioral intention: The role of emotions during COVID-19. The Services Industries Journal. SSCI Indexed
Kim, J., Yang, K., Zeng, X. & Cheng, H-P (2020). The influence of perceived benefit on structural, cognitive and relational social capital in fashion blogs; the study of female users. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. SSCI indexed
Kim, J., Melton, R., Min, J. & Kim, B. (2020). Who says what?: exploring the impacts of content type and blog type on brand credibility, brand similarity and eWOM intention. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. SSCI indexed
Mckneely, B., Kim, J., Leung, C. & Pookulangara, S. (2020). Social Capital on Instagram: Application for Small Apparel Retailers, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 14(4), online first.
Kim, J. & Ha, S. (2020). Effects of corporate social responsibility and performative actions on retailer legitimacy and consumer loyalty. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 12(3), online first.
Kim, H., Kim, J., Oh, K., & Jung, H. (2016). Adoption of Eco-Friendly Faux Leather: Examining consumer attitude with the value–belief–norm framework. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 34(4), 239-256. SSCI indexed
Jung, Y. & Kim, J. (2016). Facebook marketing for fashion apparel brands: effect of other consumer’s postings and type of brand comment on brand trust and purchase intention. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 7(3), 196-201. ESCI indexed
Other Scholarly Activities
Article Editor, Sage Open (SSCI journal), April 2021~ present
Member of the Editorial Board, Sustainability Research Journal (SSCI journal), July 2020~present
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing (ESCI journal), May 2019~present
Guest Editor for a special issue at Sustainability Research Journal (SSCI), 2020 “Sustainable Consumption Behavior in the disruptive Environment”
Interested in knowing what I am currently working on?
Topics/Research Methods for Manuscript Under Review/In Progress:
COVID-19 and consumer behavior: Restaurant and retail [Quantitative Survey]
Social media: blog marketing [Quant Survey, Experimental Design]
Sustainability: CSR, CSR storytelling, Product/fabric evaluation, Food marketing [Quant Survey, Experiment, Conjoint Analysis]
Technology: VR marketing [Quant Multi-step Survey]
Topics/Research Method for Recent Thesis Students (2019 Grad):
Building Instagram Community for small apparel retailers [Quant, Survey]
Acceptance of reusable feminine hygiene product [Qual, longitudinal study, In-depth Interview]