2022 CMHT Research Showcase and Competition
The College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism (CMHT) Research Showcase and Competition was held on April 28 to showcase research projects conducted by CMHT students and reinforce the college's research and innovative culture among students and faculty. CMHT undergraduate and graduate students were the lead authors of their research and the research was conducted under CMHT faculty supervision. Special thanks to CMHT Research Committee for organizing and judging the competition. Please see below for winners of three different categories.
Category I (Completed Graduate Research)
Winner: Kathy Wilbourne (Faculty advisor: Dr. Maria Kim)
Title: Exploring the Circularity of Fast Fashion Using Goal Framing Theory
Certificate: Millicent Njeri (Faculty advisor: Dr. Jihye (Ellie) Min)
Title: Exploratory Factor Analysis in Hospitality Research: Appropriate Use and Interpretation
Certificate: Brown Bennett (Faculty advisor: Dr. Iva Jestratijevic)
Title: Truly Sustainable: A Case Study into Sustainable Fashion Faherty Clothing Brand
Certificate: Kaylyn Edgar (Faculty advisor: Dr. Christy Crutsinger)
Title: Lights, Camera, Zoom: The Impact of Video Conferencing on Cosmetic Purchase and Use
Certificate: Grace Gunnin (Faculty advisor: Dr. Iva Jestratijevic)
Title: Lack Of Plus-Size Options in the North American Women's Athletic Apparel Industry
Category II (Graduate Research Proposals)
Winner: Misun Jeong - (Faculty advisor: Dr. Kiseol Yang)
Title: Curating Subscription Box Services: Implications for the Pet Industry
Certificate: Mikah Oliver (Faculty advisor: Dr. Iva. Jestraijevic)
Title: Purchase Intention & Behavior towards Environmentally-Friendly Grocery Packaging
Certificate: N. Lauren Mccullar (Faculty advisor: Dr. Iva. Jestraijevic)
Title: Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Why Slow Fashion is better for Business in the Long Run
Category III (Upper-Level Course Projects)
Winner: (UG Course Project) Arianna Melchor, Katie Stebbins & Jessica Gillespie (Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maria Kim)
Title: Metaverse: The New World Fashion
Winner: (UG Research Project) Ashley Swartwout & Melissa Do (Faculty advisor: Dr. Judith Forney, Dr. Jiyoung Kim, Dr. Dee Knight)
Title: Brand Trust on the Path to Purchase through Social Media: Consumer's Trust and Purchase Intention on Instagram's Social Shopping Platform
Certificate: Mikayla Thornton (Faculty advisor: Dr. Jiyoung Kim, Dr. Judith Forney, Dr. Dee Knight)
Title: Celebrity Endorsements For Instagram Stories: The Impact On Brand Identification, Trust, And Emotion
Certificate: Brooke Spencer (Faculty advisor: Dr. Iva. Jestraijevic)
Title: WASTE TO WEAR: Reducing Ocean Plastic to Create Sustainable Textiles
Certificate: Le Bich Ngoc (Jennifer) Vo (Faculty advisor: Dr. Jihye (Ellie) Min)
Title: The Influence of Companies' Sustainable Practices on Air Travelers' Willingness to Pay
Certificate: Tran Tran and Kathrine Massey (Faculty advisor: Dr. Jiyoung Kim, Dr. Judith Forney, Dr. Dee Knight)
Title: The Effect of the Instagram Checkout Feature Option on Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Risk and the Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcome towards the Instagram Platform